Sunday, March 30, 2014

UPDATED: Side braid head- blinking purple!

updated 5-28 for placement issues

the head-shield duo is done!

PLEASE PM ME IF YOU USE THIS HEAD, I WOULD LIKE TO SEE HOW IT LOOKS AND ANY POINTS THAT NEED IMPROVEMENT. I was having some tech problems last night with uploading, but it's all good now. The shield code that goes with the head is tutti-sidebraid-shield.png. Enjoy!

new heads!

Okay. My excuses for neglecting this blog are 1. i didn't feel like it with cheer and homework and the surgery i had on my foot and whatever, 2. i had no motivation or ideas, and 3. my fav computer that i deliver all of these lovely customs to you on broke, but it has been fixed and i have a couple new customs for you guys :)

The first one is just a head from Latte's site that i turned into a side bun and changed the face.

 This second one is yet to have a shield to upload that could go with it because graal upload is being a major butt, but i will make a new post once it goes through. It's taken me all night, so please give me credit.