Saturday, August 20, 2011

If you would like a head from me....

If there is a head template you would like for me to find, comment on this post and BE SPECIFIC. I will not use any heads without the permission of the owner, so do not ask. Remember that you need 20,000 gralats to buy any custom head from the administrators of GraalOnline Classic. You will also need the Customization Pack. Also, any innapropriate comments will be removed and your account on this blog will be removed.


  1. Haay (: I would like to know how you recolor heads please, i mean : what websites you are using and all stuffs thanks :)

  2. You must download a pixel-editing application on computer. I use gimp. It works easiest for me and i think gimp only works on windows. I hear that pixen is the best and easiest application for a mac.

  3. Hai!^.^ I just wanted to know if u can upload heads or bodies using an iPhone? Also, i don't want a head but, I wanted a a mermaid!^.<

  4. Haii! I would loooooooove a head from you, :D!
    I would like one like the dirty blone w/ teh green blinking eyes. But with blonder hair, and dark teal eyes close to the pupil and the rest of the eye a little lighter. And with nerd/bookworm glasses. T'would be amaaaaazing!

  5. I use's super easy

  6. Hello can you please make me a girls head with really really long blonde hair with a flower in it.x with a green blinking eye

  7. I want a Blonde Hair with a blinking eye

  8. Anyone know a site that has flashed lightning and goes to brown o.o
